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Frequently Asked Questions and Moveout Information


Q:  What do I do if my roommate is violating the lease by smoking in the apartment or having a pet, am I responsible for the damages also, am I in violation of the lease too?


A:  You need to report it to us immediately, otherwise you and your roommate are both in violation of the lease, will both be held responsible, and maybe even evicted. There is one lease per property and all of the roommates signed it.  If one roommate is in violation, then all are.  You can e-mail or text us and if possible, we will keep your report confidential.


Q: Do you allow gas grills?


A:  Yes, but you must use them responsibly, never use a gas grill next to the vinyl siding on the building or the wood on the decks, the heat from the grill will warp and melt the siding and could start a fire.  You must place something below the grill for the grease to drip into also.  If you do those things, they are fine to use. Update from the city 08/08/05 grills are not allowed on decks anymore due to fire risk.


Q: Which parking stalls are assigned to our apartment?


A: The parking stall assignments are listed on each apartment page - click parking assignment.


Q:  What wattage light bulbs should I buy?


A:   Never use more than a 40-watt bulb in your bathroom vanity light, & 60 watts elsewhere EXCEPT: STAIR LIGHTS THEY ARE 25W BULBS.


Q:  What should we do if all of us are going to be gone for an extended period, like over spring break or Christmas?


A:  There are a few things that you should do with your house or apartment:


  • Make sure that all of your windows are locked

  • Leave on some lights          

  • Leave your heat set at 55 degrees, or greater, during the winter months           

  • Stop your mail and Newspaper before you leave           

  • Deadbolt your exit doors, as you leave           

  • E-mail or text us and tell us what your plans are, so we can keep an eye on your place. 


Q:   I smoke outside.  What should I do with the cigarette butts?


A:   Do not throw them on the ground.  Get a coffee can and fill it with some kitty litter and put your butts in that.


Q:   How do we report a lease violation, such as loud music or parties?


A:   That should not happen ...  but in the real world, it sometimes does.  E-mail us with the apartment number of the offending party, and let us know what is going on, and we will take it from there.  We take any lease violation very seriously.   We will not tell the offending party who reported them.  Click to view the Lease.


Q:   If I want to burn candles occasionally, what can I do to lessen the smoke it causes?


A:   Please limit and be responsible for your candle burning. Excessive candle burning darkens the ceiling and walls. To cut down on smoke from candles, always use good quality candles and trim the wicks to 1/4 inch or less before using. Excessive candle burning, even with the trimming of wicks, will discolor the ceiling which then will need to be painted. That charge will come out of your deposit.



Q:    What about furnace filters? 


A:    On all disposable filters, there is an arrow, which indicates airflow. (It always points towards the furnace.) Pull out the old filter and note the size. Go to Menards and buy the same size filter. It is important that the furnace filter be changed every few months. By doing so, your air- conditioner, and heater work much better, and the living areas stay dust-free. Note: Furnace filters in some apartments may be hard to pull out of the furnace. Therefore, it may be a good idea for all of Little Eagle Creek to buy disposable filters that are the same width but several inches longer making it easier next time to remove the filter from the furnace, when it is time to change again. If you do this, you cannot use the tin slider door on the furnace, which hides the filter which is okay. Just put the tin door somewhere in the furnace room.


Q:    What should I clean my shower and tub with?


A:    Never use anything abrasive on bathtubs or showers, as it will scratch their surface.  We use CLR and warm water. Please do not use CLR on your gold tub and shower fixtures (Little Eagle Creek townhouses only), because it can harm the finish. See Tub and Shower cleaning tips on our tenant information page for more information.


Q:    What if I get locked out of my apartment or house?


A:    Put our phone numbers in your cell phone 402-416-2875 now so you have it. Then if you get locked out just call or text me. We will let you in, and not charge you a dime! Lockouts happen.


Q:   Can we go month-to-month after our lease is up?


A:    We try not to have any apartments or houses open-up during the school year.  Therefore, you can go month-to-month only during the summer months, the latest being July.  Month to month means the day your lease was to expire; it will now be extended to the same day in the next month and expire on that day. In other words, if your lease were to expire on May 30th and you choose to stay one month, it will expire then on June 30th. After July 30, you need to commit to us for another school year or move. Sorry!


Q:    Can I give my thirty-day notice any time, if I am renting month-to-month?


A:    No,  you must give your notice 60 days in advance of or before the first of the month, two months prior to you moving out.   An example would be you wanted to move out July 30th,  you would need to let us know via e-mail, or letter, on or before May 30th. 


Q:    We cannot figure out how to work our dishwasher.


A:     If you have any problem with any appliances, e-mail, or call /text 402-16-2875 us.  We can help.


Q:    When we roll out our windows, sometimes the roller comes off the track.  What should we do?


A:    Call /text 402-416-2875 me asap.


Q:   What do we do when our lease is ending, and we move out of our apartment?


A:    We expect the unit back as you received it. So you need to clean it up before you leave. You will be charged for bringing the unit back to the condition you received it, re-rentable. We clean the carpet the charge for this is in your lease, but any carpet stains that do not come out with cleaning are charged against your deposit, we also paint the wall of which there is not a charge, but if we must paint the ceiling there is a charge.


Typical high price cleaning charges are for the follows:


  • Refrigerator $55

  • Stove -$30

  • Tub and shower-$45

  • Entire bathrooms can run $80 

  • It pays to clean



Chuck Earley

Cell: 402.416.2875


5219 Garland St

Lincoln, NE 68504

© 2023 by Eagle Creek Apartments

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